
admin2024-06-09 08:33:247


英文日常口语900句部分介绍如下:do you want? 你想要些什么? I want a cup of coffee. 我想来杯咖啡。 What would you like to eat? 你想吃些什么? Please give me a piece of pie.请给我来片馅饼。

Hello.你好.Good morning.早上好.How are you doing?你好吗?Not bad.还不错。Whats up?怎么啦?/有什么新鲜事发生吗?Its nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。Its nice to see you again.很高兴又见到你。Im surprised to see you here.想不到在这里见到你。

Hello! 你好!How are you? 你怎么样?Whats your name? 你叫什么名字?Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。


1、小学6年级英语对话1 A:Excuse me, Miss.打扰了,小姐。B:Yes. May I help you?是的。

2、小学英语口语情景对话一 Linda: Wow ! Look at that !琳达: 哇!看那!Joy : Thats Tower Bridge.乔伊: 这是塔桥。Linda: Its marvelous. This is the first time Ive seen the bridge.琳达: 真了不起!这是我第一次看到这座桥。

3、小学英语两人对话短文篇一 Scene 1场景1 Driver:Where do you want to go?司机:您想去哪儿?Sam:Im going to the hospital.山姆:我要去医院。Driver:Get in. Ill take you.司机:进去。我将送你。

4、对话一:Bobby: This is my father.这是我父亲。Thats my mother.那是我母亲。Ellen: Whats your fathers name?你父亲叫什么名字?Bobby: His name is Bobby, too.他也叫鲍比。Ellen: Whats your mothers name?你母亲叫什么名字?Bobby: Her name is Mary.她叫玛丽。


Is everyone here?每个人都在吗?When teacher calls your name,please stand up and say Here。 当老师叫到你的名字时,要站起来说到。

询问姓名、年龄 幼儿英语对话 What is your name? My name is lanlan 你叫什麽名字? 我叫兰兰。 I am Lanlan,I am four. 我叫兰兰, 我四岁。 Excuse me, what is your name? 打扰一下,你叫什麽名字? How old are you? I am four. 你几岁了?我四岁。

Sleep and waking up(睡觉/起床)Its time to go sleepy-bye。(到睡觉的时间了。)Sweat dreams。(做个好梦。)Its time to go to bed./Time for bed。(该上床了。)Its time to have a nap。(该午休了。)Wake up!(起床。

小学英语口语情景对话一 Linda: Wow ! Look at that !琳达: 哇!看那!Joy : Thats Tower Bridge.乔伊: 这是塔桥。Linda: Its marvelous. This is the first time Ive seen the bridge.琳达: 真了不起!这是我第一次看到这座桥。

少儿简单英语日常口语 Good morning? Good morning! 早上好?早上好! Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好?下午好! How old are you? I am (four). 你几岁了?我(四)岁。 What is your name? My name is (xiaomei) 你叫什么名字?我叫(小梅)。

实用幼儿英语口语300句 儿童英语实用口语有哪些?下面为大家分享最实用的儿童英语口语300句,希望对同学们学习英语口语有帮助! (一)打招呼,问好。

