
admin2024-06-12 05:22:1915


knowledgeable英音:[nlidbl]美音:[nɑldb!]形容词 a.有知识的,博学的;有见识的[(+on/about)]John is very knowledgeable about classical music.约翰对古典音乐有丰富的知识。

Knowledgeable through having read extensively.博学的通过广泛阅读而知识渊博的 having or showing profound knowledge.知识渊博的,表现出知识渊博的。

渊博的英语是erudite。双语例句:study iduously and perseveringly.持之以恒地刻苦学习。Unless hard Only if studies iduously Unless the hard to learn.除非刻苦学习。Work hard work hard Hard-working iduously study.努力工作刻苦学习。study math really hard.刻苦学习数学。


1、此人学识渊博.Hes widely read on this subject.对这问题,他的知识很渊博。He was a well-read man.他是一位学识渊博的人。Her knowledge of the subject is extensive.她这方面的学识很渊博.His lecture suggests the depth of his knowledge.从他的讲课可知他学识的渊博。

2、An erudite scholar 一名学识渊博的学者简单点的用knowledgeable亦可~ 评论| 2013-10-12 10:35高原黄沙他弟|四级 这个 用时下的翻译工具啊 一点就行 如果想清晰明了点 问老师最好。

3、知识渊博的意思为:指学识深而且广。读音:[ zhī shi yuān bó ]知拼音: zhī 释义:晓得,明了:~道。~名(著名)。~觉(有感觉而知道)。良~。使知道:通~。~照。学识,学问:~识,求~。主管:~县(旧时的县长)。~宾(指主管招待宾客的人。亦称“知客”)。

4、我有一个老师,他叫xxx。他很友好,对我们也非常好, 他知识渊博,也非常有趣,英语翻译?I have a teacher, his name is xxx.He is very friendly and kind to us. He is knowledgeable and interesting。


对于某方面了解很多的人用knowledgeable,adj. 知识渊博的,有知识的;有见识的;聪明的。expert,专家。

Knowledgeable through having read extensively.博学的通过广泛阅读而知识渊博的 having or showing profound knowledge.知识渊博的,表现出知识渊博的。

渊博的英语是erudite。双语例句:study iduously and perseveringly.持之以恒地刻苦学习。Unless hard Only if studies iduously Unless the hard to learn.除非刻苦学习。Work hard work hard Hard-working iduously study.努力工作刻苦学习。study math really hard.刻苦学习数学。

[博学]百科解释 博学:“博”,大通也。(《说文》)即宽广、广博之谓。现代综合性大学,在专业、学科等方面都应具有“博”的特点,在学术思想、学术风格、学术观点上应兼容并包、百花争艳;作为教师,应学识渊博、造诣精深;作为学生,应打下厚实的功底,全面提升综合素质。

知识丰富,用英语:Rich knowledge 重点词汇:Rich 读音:英 [rt]     美 [rt]意思是:adj. 富有的;富饶的;丰富的 例句:The rich man left his son nothing in the will.那位富翁在遗嘱中什么都没给他儿子留下。

例如:I have the necessary knowledge and skills but I lack experience. 我有必需的知识和技能,但缺乏经验。Chapter III is a real culture of the planning process and methods. 第三章是房地产文化策划的流程与方法。

